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Campaign contributions to the James R. Jones Election Committee in the form of 4 checks: a $500 check from Robert S. Kerr, Jr., a $500 check from Breene M. Kerr, a $500 check from the American Optometric Association Political Action Committee, and a $1000 check from Mr. William G. Kerr

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Campaign '76, Checks Transmitted to Committee


Campaign contributions to the James R. Jones Election Committee in the form of 4 checks: a $500 check from Robert S. Kerr, Jr., Oklahoma City, OK resident and supporter of the James R. Jones Campaign, a $500 check from Breene M. Kerr, Oklahoma City, OK resident and supporter of the James R. Jones Campaign, a $500 check from the American Optometric Association Political Action Committee, and a $1000 check from Mr. William G. Kerr, Oklahoma City, OK resident and supporter of the James R. Jones Campaign


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma